
Cornerstone Consulting

History has proven that when a nation promotes small business entrepreneurship the right way, that nation rises strongly and quickly — in every aspect.

We are all unique and only by promoting your creativity and strength will a nation be truly wealthy.

As we encounter thousands and thousands of people all over the world, we hear similar stories of how people’s great, one-in-a-million ideas were shattered and given up.

Many individuals who have great ideas lack the structure, effective communication skills, like-minded global network, data, management, training and many other factors to successfully launch and grow their ideas into a prosperous business.

At Cornerstone Consulting, we identify your creativity, talent, and strength as well as what you need to help turn your dreams into reality.

We provide experts, trainers, and mentors who will work with you to fill the gaps — so you can do what you do best. Our products and services range from ‘how to hire and screen team members’ to ‘global franchise establishments.

Our expertise and knowledge range from ‘farming’ to ‘homeland security’.

If you have a burning passion to provide your products or services and a desire to do business right, contact Cornerstone Consulting today.

Start Now by filling out this simple form below and let us help build you up to help others.

What Makes Us Different?

Our Process

We listen and get to know what your passion, ideas and goals are in order to help you establish a blueprint to get there. Everyone has different learning speed, method and fierceness. Therefore, we establish step by step plan of action, tasks and timelines to help you achieve your goals. It is important to structure everything correctly from the start. Each entrepreneur must set the tone, culture, expectations and accountability for a team and company to uphold and follow. Any deviation from the core values of your branding may cause you countless time, efforts and money to make the corrections which may hinder achieving your goals and growth. At Cornerstone Consulting, we match our team members that best suit your needs while providing you years of experiences ahead of you, so you don’t need to walk through costly mistakes and waste of time. We guide you to establish a firm foundation, so that when the world changes, you are still unshakeable!

Our Services

Through our years of experiences, we have found that most entrepreneurs need up front guidance to sort out exactly what they desire. This is because most of entrepreneurs have a partial vision to reach their goal. They might be great at their ideas and creativity; however, they lack the insight to the journey that comes along to get to the finish line. For example, most entrepreneurs have prepared running shoes, water and clothing to run the race. However, they forgot to research what type of soil, climate, length of journey, endurance of their running shoes for this type of road, etc. As a result, many entrepreneurs could not finish the race. All of our team members have already traveled the road and encountered all types of challenges. As a result, once we shine the light on the path as we go, many entrepreneurs are able to see how their previous ‘perfect plans’ need to be modified to prevent costly trials. At Cornerstone Consulting, our goal is not to give you sweet but unrealistic messages, so you feel better. Our goal is to be honest and up front to share our skills, experiences and expertise so you can be successful reaching your goals. This is the core difference between unachievable dream versus the journey to achieve reality.

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